Da Verona ecco che arrivano le creazioni di Suricata, giovane e promettente fumettista e anche artista dell'uncinetto e abile nel confezionare collane. Troverete questo e molto altro sul suo blog, mentre parte del materiale esposto sarà reperibile al mio stand interno al Crack! Festival a Roma presso il Forte Prenestino (Centocelle) in via F. Delpino dal 18 al 21 giugno!!!
Straight from Verona here it comes Suricata, young promise of the comic industry and pretty good to crochet and create necklaces+earrings, too! You'll find this as shown and much more on her blog. Part of the artwork shown on the Darkstore will be available at my stand in the Crack! Festival in Rome from June the 18th to the 21th!!!
Stay tuned.
Straight from Verona here it comes Suricata, young promise of the comic industry and pretty good to crochet and create necklaces+earrings, too! You'll find this as shown and much more on her blog. Part of the artwork shown on the Darkstore will be available at my stand in the Crack! Festival in Rome from June the 18th to the 21th!!!
Stay tuned.
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