One year has passed since my first Swedish Experience. SPX 2009 [the report has been published on Scuola di Fumetto (School of Comic) # 69 (Coniglio Editore)] has been full of international artists and publishers, meetings and release parties, to testify the costant growth of the festival created & organized by Kristiina Kolehmainen chief of Stockholm's Serieteket inside the Stockholm Kulturhuset, with the contribution of Anders Lundgren & Johannes Klennell, editor in chief of Galago Magazine (Ordfront).
This year, from April the 23th to April the 25th, the label/not label The Darkstore will bring to Sweden @ SPX2010 a bunch of italian publishers, indipendent and selfproducted. And of course Illustration & italian comics in translation: almost all the books will be bilingual (italian/english) to entertain the Scandinavian readers with a pocket full of italian comics! So here we go with the italian indy wild bunch of the season: Canicola, RAM Hotel, GIUDA, Passenger Press, Modo Infoshop, Ernest, and Puck!
Un anno è già trascorso dalla prima esperienza svedese. L’SPX 2009 documentato nel report pubblicato su Scuola di Fumetto #69 (Coniglio Editore) è stato gremito di ospiti e editori internazionali, incontri con gli autori e presentazioni delle nuove produzioni editoriali, a testimonianza della costante crescita di questa manifestazione curata da Kristiina Kolehmainen, responsabile della Stockholm Serieteket interna alla Kulturhuset di Stoccolma, in collaborazione con Anders Lundgren e di Johannes Klennell, boss della rivista Galago (Ordfront).
Quest’anno il label/non-label The Darkstore dal 23 al 25 aprile porterà in terra di Svezia allo SPX2010 un manipolo di editori italiani indipendenti e autoprodotti, nel segno dell’illustrazione, del fumetto e del bilinguismo, facendosi ponte immaginario tra l’Italia e la Scandinavia. Ecco allora in selvaggia parata l’italian indy wild bunch of the season: Canicola, RAM Hotel, GIUDA, Passenger Press, Modo Infoshop, Ernest, e Puck! A seguire schede tecniche e dettagli!!!

Editore/Publisher: Canicola
Lingua/Language: Italiano-Inglese/Italian-English
Prodotti/Products: Canicola Magazine, Graphic Novels
Dettagli/Details: The Canicola experience formerly was founded by Edo Chieregato & Liliana Cupido (curators), Andrea Bruno, Michelangelo Setola, Giacomo Monti plus Giacomo Nanni, Davide Catania, Amanda Vahamaki & Alessandro Tota. Bruno has been a guest of the past SPX09 with an impressive exhibition of his most recent artwork at that moment, host by the Stockholm Kulturhuset. This year together with his previous graphic novel BDN Brodo di niente (Soup of nothing) comes Sabato Tregua (Saturday Truce - the original artwork has been recently on exhibition inside the Fragile Continuo Gallery through Perugia’s Miomao Gallery). Beside Bruno’s books, will be available the new anthology by Giacomo Monti Nessuno mi farà del male (No-one will hurt me) and Il treno (The train) by Chihoi Lee and the numbers 7 & 8 of Canicola Magazine. For further infos & details:

Editore/Publisher: RAM Hotel
Genere/Genre: Libri di illustrazione/Illustration books
Lingua/Language: Italiano-Inglese/Italian-English
Prodotti/Products: Joanna Hellgren – Bambini sugli alberi/Kids on the trees; Christopher Hittinger - Giganti/Giants; Sara Colaone & Francesco Satta - Monsieur B.: Paulina Makela - Parallel Spook Davide Catania - Fantasmi/Ghosts; Vincent Filosa - Una storia come le case senza tetto/Like houses without the roof: a history; Michelangelo Setola - Notte nel container/Night into the container; Paper Resistance - Security First; Tuono Pettinato - NAM Hotel; Manuele Fior - In viaggio, Berlino, Oslo, Aswan/On a journey: Berlin, Oslo, Aswan; Marino Neri - Il segreto dell’autocombustione/The secret of the spontaneous combustion
Dettagli/Details: An art gallery and a indy publisher developed from RAM Graphic studios, founded and owned by Marco Ficarra. The peculiar square catalogues, small & elegant, are the trademark of this growing reality.

Editore/Publisher: GIUDA (Geographical Institute of Unconventional Drawing Arts)
Genere/Genre: Rivista di Illustrazione/Illustration Magazine
Lingua/Language: Italiano-Inglese/Italian-English
Prodotti/Products: GIUDA Magazine
Dettagli/Details: Created & leaded by Gianluca Costantini & Elettra Stamboulis (creators of Mirada Gallery and Komikazen Festival in Ravenna), GIUDA is an interesting and ambitious illustration project, a wild ride through "unreal spots, graveyard portraits, puzzles of anonymous citizens" with the contribution of international artists, like the spanish collective El Cubri, Armin Barducci, Ciro Fanelli, Marco Lobietti, Rocco Lombardi, Angelo Mennillo, Robert Rebotti and Alice Socal.

Editore/Publisher: Passenger Press
Lingua/Language: Italiano-Inglese/Italian-English
Genere/Genre: Rivista & Libri illustrati/Magazine & Illustration books
Prodotti/Products: Passenger Magazine, Passenger Cahiers
Dettagli/Details: Created by the graphic designer, illustrator & cartoonist Christian Marra, the Passenger Press realises the Passenger magazine, a collective of international artists. The most high product of this small but growing indy reality is The Passenger Album Limited Edition, a must in his genre. Really interesting the newborn line “Passenger Cahiers”, featuring the artwork of Alexis Ziritt and Yan Wei.
On line store:

Editore/Publisher: Modo Infoshop
Lingua/Language: Italiano-Inglese/Italian-English
Genere/Genre: Illustration artbook
Prodotti/Products: POTENTE DI FUOCO, Il suicidio spiegato a mio figlio
Dettagli/Details: Erika il cane is one of the most renowned italian artists of the latest years. The powerful and impressive POTENTE DI FUOCO published by Modo Infoshop (Via Mascarella 24b Bologna) features 96 full-colour pages where the artist recreates his childhood’s dreams & nightmares. “Twenty years after, his parents showed him his first drawnings, featuring both creatures from thin earth, and fantastic ones, and he simply started to draw them all again.”

Editore/Publisher: Ernest,
Lingua/Language: Italiano/Italian & Italiano-Inglese/Italian-English
Genere/Genre: Illustration books, one shot comics, comic anthologies
Prodotti/Products: NY by Davide Toffolo, Barcazza by Francesco Cattani, Minima by Raffaele Gaioni, Pagine di musica iterativa by Fulvia Spizzo & Ernest, l’antologia/Ernest, the anthology.
Dettagli/Details: The Ernest, experience is a collective formerly created by comic artists Francesco Cattani & Sara Pavan, together with Samantha Luciani, Rebecca Rossi, Vincent Filosa, Giusy Noce, Alessandro Lise & Alberto Talami, Laura Camelli and the young talented artist Cristina Portolano (nominee Best short story in Neaples Comicon 2010). Their logo and gadget is a button. They tell about everyday life, often breaking into the Theatre of the Absurd, depicting panoramas of daily frenzy.

Editore/Publisher: Puck!
Genere/Genre: Underground magazine, featuring international artists
Lingua/Language: Italiano/Italian
Prodotti/Products: Puck! Magazine
Dettagli/Details: Probably the only real & living underground magazine published in Italy, featuring the talents of italian and international artists. Hunt Emerson, Kaz, Zograf, Bill Griffith, Giuseppe Palumbo, Maurizio Rosenzweig, Alberto Ponticelli, Roberto Mangosi, Hurricane Ivan Manuppelli, Mike Diana, Foolbert Sturgeon, Vanessa Belardo, Federico Sfascia, Massimo Semerano, Welcome Suckers, Pat Moriarity, Maurizio Ercole, Danilo Loizedda, Alex Tirana, Emanuele Fossati and Robert Armstrong: here’s the headline of the first impressive issue of the crew leaded by Hurricane Ivan Manuppelli, father of the Puck! Project.


Here we go with the brand new artist of the month from the Darkstore, Fabio Tonetto! Eclectic illustrator, Fabio released these three wonderful silkscreen art prints as a limited edition, 10 copies each: now available to be sold even separately! Ask for more, infos & contacts at and on his blog, click HERE!!!
E rieccoci con il brand new artist proposto dal Darkstore questo mese d'Aprile! Si tratta di Fabio Tonetto, eclettico illustratore che ha realizzato la bellezza di tre serigrafie tre, formato 56x24, ognuna in tiratura limitata di 10 copie, ora vendibili anche separatamente!!! Per info, prenotazioni e contatti lo trovate sul suo blog/sito QUI e alla mail
Enjoy & stay tuned!!!